Dec 16, 2008

Holiday Fanfare

Three more days until my family hits the road to visit family 1200+ miles away. It's quite the adventure with a 22 month old! He's a trooper until about mile 100, and then it's 17 hours of trying this or that tactic to keep him occupied and unaware of how his little body must ache from a 5-point car seat! Ugh! I can imagine, since I hate sitting for more than an hour at a time. Your butt really starts to get annoyed with the lack of movement, and then the bladder starts yelling at you, "Pull over and let me do my duty!" But, have you seen gas prices lately?! Why would I put myself through double cost flying and entertaining the little one 1200 miles up? On the road we can pull over and stretch, play at rest stops and spend a fraction of the cost on travel expenses. We drive a compact car with a standard transmission (GO CLUTCH!) that gets roughly 37-40 mpg highway, so we enjoy the savings at the cost of a somewhat restless child. In the end, we drive through the snow covered Wasatch mountains to find ourselves pulling up to my parent's house, covered in snow and lit with Christmas lights. I'm sure by the end of the visit I'll curse under my frozen breath as I'm scraping snow off my car (but it beats scraping Oklahoma ice). Inside the home is filled with yummy smells, Christmas music, 3 noisy bro's, and lots of decor. It's cozy, it's warm, it's home for Christmas! I can't wait.
(A last year pic of the snow storm that hit the morning after we arrived to my parent's home)


Heather said...

HOW fun! seriously, that sounds fun! I LOVE road trips! way way better than flying! FOR REAL! i don't know if kirk would EVER brave that though! oh well! sounds fun! I MISS going to utah in the winter... the ice here is NOT MY FUN TIME!!! no way! have fun! drive safely!

Glenn Amber Evans said...

YEAH!!! We cant wait for you guys to come. YOur mom wrote on my blog she is such a sweet lady. Let us know when you want to get together. Be safe with the travel. AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!:)

Corless Family said...

I am not one who enjoys road trips but I have to keep 6 kids entertained yuck! Have fun and enjoy the snow!

The Texas Links said...

I didn't know you guys were going?! Fun!!! A little jealous here. Sondra and I were saying the other day that neither of us had seen Temple Square at Christmas. Take lots of pics..
The drive time with Cole-buddy will totally be worth it. Be Careful! Love you!

Debbie said...

I'm counting the days, hours minutes, seconds. We are getting a big storm Saturday. Hope you miss it and are here to enjoy it with us. See ya soon.

Mandy said...

We made it, 2050 miles total Tuesday night. I am glad at your attitude. May the Christmas Spirit be wih you and the weather cooperate. Be safe. I know you will love seeing your family!

Maggie said...

Hope you made it safely! The horrid I-15 wreck was on the news and i hoped you missed all that mess. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and we'll see you when you get back!

This music isn't here just to listen to, it's to be lived and loved, so sit back and enjoy the sound

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THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.

THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.
Can it get any better than love AND chocolate?

Pretty much the most talented/overlooked actor!

A dramatic, true story of a piano prodigy, music and love

Best animated kids movie so far!

must see the whole series...MUST

Best "princess" story...and FUNNY!

Thumbs down to Tom, but I love this oldie.

Nazi regime, rebellion, music. If you haven't experienced it, you haven't lived!

4th from the left, 1st one on the right..*sigh*

Say what?! You don't know about Led Zeppelin...yer crazeh!

The most inspiring musician, Rachmaninov

MUSE, MUSE, and more MUSE! I dare you to experience them.

Winger's! Best wings on the planet.

SUSHI! Everyone must try sushi. Pregnant women all over Asia eat Sushi and their babies are fine! That's what I told my OB/Gyn. She just said "Ohhhkayyy" and rolled her eyes.