Jan 12, 2009

All done

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The holidays are finally over. The Goodman Christmas in Utah consisted of a 2 week stay for us, visiting the ever beautiful Temple Square, a Cook Christmas party, a Christmas Eve tradition of either fondu or something of the sorts (this year we did gormet carmel apples), meeting my grandma Cook's fiance, Henry, sledding with the Colebuddy for the first time, Chris making his first snowman, playing cards with the brothers and mom, teacing Coleman to ride his new tricycle from Grandma Debbie, caravaning with my sister and her little family back to Oklahoma, taking them to the historical Fort Worth stock yards (my old mission stomping grounds), and ended with the Goelz Christmas party that was put off until Jan 10th. Whew! Even though it was quite the whirlwind of activity, it was the best. Family is the best part of the holidays for me. I got to see so many relatives and best of all, Coleman got to play in the snow...and he understood it this time around. Sledding, not so much, but just playing outside in the white and bitter cold surroundings, yeah! And then there's the big goodbyes of "Don't know when we'll see you next, but love you!" I hate that part of visiting family. If only everyone lived closer! My mom is the best grandma ever. She plays and plays and is so creative. We had a blast! You can tell she loves her grandkids. I feel bad that Coleman is missing out.... but...


Mandy said...

Sounds great! I know G-ma Cook, right. That is great that she is engaged. How good for her.
I am glad that you all got to sled. I have pictures on the fridge from last year in Utah sledding and the kids loved it! It mostly flurries, and rains here. I wish that if it were gonna be cold, it would just snow! At least we could go out and play in it. I would love to have need to buy a sled.
I can't believe that Chris hadn't ever made a snowman. That is cool that he made one. I imagine that there was something creative about it. Looks like you all had fun. I am glad that you were able to see your family a lot. Love ya!

Debbie said...

I want to see the snowman that Chris made. I remember it was made at the speed of light and looked pretty good. Grandma even had a carrot for the nose.

Debbie said...

Oh, your header looks soooo fun. I'm getting familiar with picasa. I went into the helps and printed off all the know how's so I have them on hand if I get stumped. In the right column of the helps there are other helps listed and it does help.

This music isn't here just to listen to, it's to be lived and loved, so sit back and enjoy the sound

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THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.

THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.
Can it get any better than love AND chocolate?

Pretty much the most talented/overlooked actor!

A dramatic, true story of a piano prodigy, music and love

Best animated kids movie so far!

must see the whole series...MUST

Best "princess" story...and FUNNY!

Thumbs down to Tom, but I love this oldie.

Nazi regime, rebellion, music. If you haven't experienced it, you haven't lived!

4th from the left, 1st one on the right..*sigh*

Say what?! You don't know about Led Zeppelin...yer crazeh!

The most inspiring musician, Rachmaninov

MUSE, MUSE, and more MUSE! I dare you to experience them.

Winger's! Best wings on the planet.

SUSHI! Everyone must try sushi. Pregnant women all over Asia eat Sushi and their babies are fine! That's what I told my OB/Gyn. She just said "Ohhhkayyy" and rolled her eyes.