Jan 16, 2009


It's a boy. We decided on the name Dominic Alan. Dominic is the name of a young Italian kid that was at an alternate high school that Chris and I were counselors at. He was an amazing kid, and we told him we were going to name our first son after him. He was all smiles when we told him. He became a great friend. However, when we got pregnant with our first boy we decided to hold off on Dominic and name him Coleman after Chris' father. I actually didn't know the name had already been used as middle names in the family, until after we moved here to OK, but when we saw the little buddy we knew he was a Coleman. So, we feel good about this boy being named Dominic. Alan is my husbands middle name, after his Uncle that died in infancy, so we'll keep that one going. My siblings aren't crazy into keeping family names going, but I am. I know that we are obsessed with the band MUSE and their drummer is also named Dominic, but that's not the real reason behind the name...although it is pretty sweet! So, here is one little picture of his whole body, from the back. I have the pic to prove it's a boy, but you don't really need to see it. So, that's the news!


The Texas Links said...

You're almost half-way, Lace! So excited it's a boy. When I was pregnant with Brynna, the Dr. told me that the chances of me having another boy was 85%. I was just fine with another boy. I would say in my head "Tammy and her boys" all the time. Until she, Brynna, was actually born. My point is....that boys are great and fun and they love their mommies.

Corless Family said...

congrats! always so fun to find out!

Debbie said...

I love the name Dominic Alan. It fits with your family. Coleman will have a little buddy and you'll have two buddies. Congrat
I love youe guys

Angie said...

Congrats! Another boy will be fun...Coleman will have a little buddy. The name is cute too! I hope you had a great Christmas. Looks like you had tons of fun with your family. I hope the pregnancy is going well and you are feeling good!

Mandy said...

Dominic will be a perfect name! How fun! You still feeling ok? Hope so. Love ya!

Lacey said...

Yeah, I feel good. I haven't been sick at all with this pregnancy. I am just tired, but that's kind of going away too.

Debbie said...

Oh I love the name and love the story behind it. I love that my boys are the best of buds. You will have so much fun watching them be busy busy boys together. Watch out!!! hee hee.

Jackson's FARM'N family said...

SWEET! I can have another neph to spoil. Its too hard on Kents side with 32 nieces and nephs but colebuddy and dominic will always be the brunt of my spending things on little boys! Cant wait!

Cherice said...

Congrats on another boy! I love the name, good pick!

KO said...

Your boys will be the best of buds! I love the name too, modern yet traditional!

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THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.

THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.
Can it get any better than love AND chocolate?

Pretty much the most talented/overlooked actor!

A dramatic, true story of a piano prodigy, music and love

Best animated kids movie so far!

must see the whole series...MUST

Best "princess" story...and FUNNY!

Thumbs down to Tom, but I love this oldie.

Nazi regime, rebellion, music. If you haven't experienced it, you haven't lived!

4th from the left, 1st one on the right..*sigh*

Say what?! You don't know about Led Zeppelin...yer crazeh!

The most inspiring musician, Rachmaninov

MUSE, MUSE, and more MUSE! I dare you to experience them.

Winger's! Best wings on the planet.

SUSHI! Everyone must try sushi. Pregnant women all over Asia eat Sushi and their babies are fine! That's what I told my OB/Gyn. She just said "Ohhhkayyy" and rolled her eyes.