There are a few things I have been missing lately. One, Christopher, my sweetie. Two, my mission. Chris has been busy with finals the past week. You all know how that goes...long nights of studying, nights at the library, full days at school, long testing times, putting finishing touches on the final semester before applications to grad schools. *Sigh* It's not like I don't see him, but sometimes I wish I could take his place and do all the work for him just so he could sleep, de-stress, and play with the Coleman buddy. He did the daddy duty last night while I was at a meeting. What a sweetie! I want to take him out, maybe to the new Warren Theatres? Anyone been there? I heard it's awesome! Also, my husband's best friend, Rhys, was baptized on Sunday the 4th. How amazing amazing amazing! Can't we do this all the time, just share truth, convert people to Christ, feel the spirit all the time as much as at his baptism!? I used to think it was possible to be 100% committed to being a member missionary, because I used to say "If you're not a member missionary then you're just another body in the church." I had become that body! But, it's not like "I" did anything in Rhyses conversion. I was just able to feel the spirit of missionary work again, and it gave me new resolve. There are more people seeking and searching, wondering what this life is for, hoping for a brighter tommorrow, never knowing if they'll see their children after this life, and never knowing what we know...perhaps to our shame, perhaps to another's shame, because we didn't share. Didn't our parents teach us, it's not nice to not share! I'm not one to talk. I only talk to Chris and Coleman for the most part...but I did put a stack of pass-along cards in my day planner. Now maybe I'll find a reason to pass it along! At the drive through, at the check out, and the park. I used to do it so fluidly, and it's not "just" because I had a missionary mantle, but because I wanted to. The mantle of a missionary doesn't force anyone to be any certain way, but when used for good choices, it empowers. I will say, there is nothing more exhilirating than when you ask someone if they are a member or "I just thought you could use this" while handing them the pass-along card. The worst thing they can do is say no, or in some cases chase you down trying to save your soul. LOL!!! Been there! So, here's to Rhys, our new brother in the gospel...and my new inspiration to be the example like the one that brought him into the church.
Rhys with his mom, dad, and brother.

Chris, happy for his friend, and the blessings this will bring!