Jun 12, 2008

Raising a boy

My mom and dad in Utah miss seeing their grandson grow up, pass through stages of development, and do cute things that just can't get caught on camera. However, there have been a few cute moments that were caught, so here they are mom and dad. LOVE and miss you.
Sunday morning. He HAS to stand on the chair in the computer room, at least once a day. HAS to. And throws a fit when you make him get down.

A few from bath time! (there are some hilarious pics, but I would have to edit them carefully)

Standing on the John Deere you gave me!

Spring afternoon feeding the ducks.

Little boys are wired so differently than little girls. Raising a boy seems at odds with raising a girl. I only say this because of what I've observed. I am partial to articles and topics of little boys because right now, I only have a boy. I recently read an article called "Boys Will Be Boys" by Michael Thompson, Ph.D. I'll quote him now and then. He explains the development of little boys, and the misunderstanding we have of them that is leaving them in the dust in our society. They love to explore, hit things, bite things, test their limits, roughhouse, jibber-jabber constantly, jump off anything they can climb on, play in toilet water, make car noises, and day-dream. "Parents often see boys as intentionally defiant and deliberately destructive, but when toddler boys throw things, kick someone, or disobey us, it's because they haven't yet developed the ability to resist their impulses." Science has recently proven what we should've already known. Physical activity is their niche. Not that we just say "that's just a boy for ya" but, understand we can teach them, without hindering them. Our society should not fail our little boys with taking recess out of schools, or punish them for wanting to be physically active. That is how they learn. You give a little boy a book and he doesn't want to read it, he wants to figure out if it flies through the air like an airplane. That's not a "bad" thing. "It used to be all about play and social development" in the classroom, but "now because of the emphasis on state testing in the lower grades, kids are expected to read fluently, write legibly, and listen quietly. Boys lag behind girls in all these areas. They also lack self-control compared with girls the same age, so they're more likely to be singled out for bad behavior. And since there are fewer free-play and recess opportunities today, it's no wonder that boys are being left behind." I understand the rules of classrooms, but we should not punish or make little boys feel bad when exploring their own thought processes. Boys learn at a slower pace than girls. Little boys are being held back because they don't talk "as good" or read "as good" or do math "as good" as....as what? Girls? And? Boys are happiest when they day-dream, play, and manually discover the world. They don't need a book to tell them about these things, they need to see them, experience them for themselves. That doesn't take away our responsibility of teaching them to read, but they will learn best when the two are put together. It's difficult to be a boy in our culture because it demands toughness and athletic prowess. You can see that in your own neighborhoods, right? Within your own social groups, correct? Society is worried about "making a man" out of the boy. "Gender stereotyping makes us more likely to miss the vulnerabilities of boys." A little boy's focus should be "quiet time to engage in fantasy play with his favorite toys. That means turning off the television, and providing a clear space. Play is his natural sanctuary, and you need to protect it." Little boys seem to be hugged less, picked up less, and comforted for shorter times than girls. Boys are falling through the cracks because we don't understand their developmental process. People are tougher on them, but they deserve and need as much love and cuddling, listening and praise as the girls we call "princesses." Our boys should be the princes of their mommy's world! Our future generation. We are raising them. Sometimes I wonder how good of a job I am doing. Am I making him happy, does he know I love him, will he want to be a good person in society and play nice with others? Will he talk with me when he's a teenager about all the crazy things boys go through? Their lives are hard. Will he be ready for school, wherever that is? Will he be a sweet little boy who helps others? Will he love his Heavenly Father? Will he have faith in Jesus Christ? Will he fall through the cracks? I know our kids are and will be pounded with everything society throws at them. Will they be ready? Cheryl C. Lant said that "The children's ultimate defense is a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ." Little boys can be taught this, and learn this as well as little girls. We can help them gain testimonies without stifling their imaginations and physical play. "Boys have always had trouble paying attention in class. But they don't have a problem focusing for long periods of time on things they love." We can help them love the gospel. We can help them jump the cracks in society. Hug your little boys!!!


The Texas Links said...

Diddo! Let them be boys! They are completely different from girls. Let them explore and discover. Boys love for their mommies is different than that for their fathers--mommies need to know what an important part of their boys life they are. Love them, hug them, let them know they are your world. And...let them be boys!

Heather said...

you guys are so dang cute! how fun that you do so many fun things! he is sooo darling!!!

also, I totally know about the gparents missing out on everything always! it makes me soo sad too! that is why i take thousands of pics a day! still it can't capture everything! i know! so sad!

The Texas Links said...

Love the pics! Could you email me the one of you and Coleman, and the one of Chris and him on Chris's shoulders. Too cute. The standing on chairs and the tractor--it's so Coleman.

Jackson's FARM'N family said...

oh I miss him so much. Oh and I miss you too but you and chris just dont do it for me like the little man. JK! I cant wait to see you in about a month. I put the pic of cole buddy on chris's sholders looking down at the camera for my wallpaper on the computer. I LOVE IT! He is growing so big. The new puppys are going to be a month old when he sees them and I think he will enjoy holding the doggie doggie doggie!
love ya and miss ya all! Kim

Jackson's FARM'N family said...

GRANDMA DEBBIE say's "My little guy is growing up! Full of SPUNK and PERSONALITY, oh well, so he hits and bites and body slams kids to the ground, come on he's 16 mon. old. I have to say it's sort of comforting to know that in a world as rough as he will grow up in, no one will push him around!
Love your comments Lacey. It should be posted in every school for every teacher to take note!! They do struggle. Males have always been expected to step it up all through life because they are the ones who Run Our Church... Run our Country... The Bread Winner. Our sweet daughters were expected to learn to cook a good balanced meal...sew and mend clothes to save money... and keep their home a place of order and comfort...and to love, nurture and raise children. Also to be a lady with high morals and values. However thanks to our skrewed up economy, our mom's are ripped out of her home of comfort and order, taken from her kids and are now in the work place. The home is now kaous and cook a meal, are you kidding! Stop of at McDonalds on the way home from work, pick up the kids from the sitter, throw the food on the table and hide in the bathroom for just a few minutes to relax and compose herself before they dig in to all the homework, soccer, dance ect. Then bedtime and maybe they are lucky to watch the news, crawl into bed only to start over the next day, different day, same routine. I would love to go back to days of old where women loved to be women and men enjoyed being men. Mom's loved sitting with their kids reading a book, play in the yard, going to the park was a treat and eating out was once a month. Prozac, what was that? T.V. was 5 channels and no bad language, suggestive behavior was not allowed. You mom's today have a HUGE responsibility. I am so grateful to my son in laws who work so hard and are focussed on providing for their little families so my daughters can stay home and raise my grandchildren. I have to say that I would be freaked out if they had to leave their little ones in the hands of someone else so they could go to work. Thank you Chris and Kent.

Lacey said...

Thanks mom, Kimberly, and friends. Being a mom is a toughie, I agree. But, I know we can do it. We can conquer all the evils with our children and husbands, banded together.

Maggie said...

Definitely gonna go read this article! Sounds like lots of good info on my two little guys.... And when/if you have a girl someday Lacey you must read "Reviving Ophelia".... i've read it twice now, and if i ever have a daughter i'm gonna read it at least once a year! =o)

Victoria and Mark said...

Check him out, balancing on that car! Some advanced gross motor skills!

Martinson Family said...

He is just so cute! I love how he likes to climb everything. When will he be joining the nursery?

Lacey said...

He joins nursery in 2 months. Mid August! YAYYYY!!! He needs the friends and interaction, instead of causing noise in primary with me.

Mandy said...

So you know the question you asked me on the phone the other day. I have to change my answer to affirmative. Oops, but yea!

Also could you help me with my blog template. I know how to do a background, but I need the middle to be a solid color. You design your own, right?

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THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS - Some momentarily, some forever.
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must see the whole series...MUST

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Thumbs down to Tom, but I love this oldie.

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4th from the left, 1st one on the right..*sigh*

Say what?! You don't know about Led Zeppelin...yer crazeh!

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SUSHI! Everyone must try sushi. Pregnant women all over Asia eat Sushi and their babies are fine! That's what I told my OB/Gyn. She just said "Ohhhkayyy" and rolled her eyes.