Aug 15, 2008

Toddler Room

So, I need some help and advice. I've decided that since Coleman now scales the side of his crib like it's an easy rock wall it would be time to move him into a bed. I'm not changing the crib into the toddler bed style though, we're just moving him into the vacant room that already has a full bed in it. I plan on putting all his familiar toys and bedding in the new room, along with his night light. I am not going to get a toddler bed, but I do have railings to put on his full bed. However, I'm freaked out because I know the second I put him into his new bed he'll jump on it like a trampoline, climb down and play with toys into the wee hours of the morning. HELP! Is there any advice on how to make this transition work as if he's still in his crib? I've seen Nanny 911 help many parents with this issue, but since you're friends and parents yourselves what has worked for you?


Mandy said...

Nanny 911 is probably a better bet than my past experiences, although I did read a book before we transitioned Jenna. With Jenna we just hyped up the big girl bed and really did a routine...I remember we hung a sign on the wall with pictures for each step... Bath, PJs, brush teeth, book, prayer, sleep! We tried hard to do this exact routine every night. We transitioned Zac pretty young from his crib as it was on it's way to falling apart, he rattled the screws loose when he shook it, (to be fair, it was a hand-me-down that was needing to retire.) We did the same routine and picture thing with him so they knew it was coming...the dreaded sleeping!
I remember the first few nights that we put Jenna in her twin bed- she got out at least 12 times to see us in the living room, we would calmly tell her it was bed time and put her back in her room. That was pretty hard after the 4th or 5th be calm. Anyway to make a long story short, and after trying different things, we had to shut them both in at one point to get them to stay in their rooms (night light of course and tell them we love them) and after they were asleep we would open their door back up. It was heartbreaking and a last resort in the book.
Jenna would come in our room at night almost nightly until she was 3 ish, we would walk her back to her room and tuck her in. We don't get visits anymore unless she has a bad dream. Zac is almost three and he still comes to see us at night at least 3 times a week. Oddly, Zac was not real interested in playing in his room. Jenna did, but eventually fell asleep. I would wake to a huge mess in the mornings. Books everywhere! "Gall, just sleep! You will want to when you get older!"

Some things that kids have taught me are that 1. you absolutely cannot force a child to sleep, 2. that sleep is so important, 3. that kids can get over-tired and may not crash, but rather get wound up and emotionally labile, 4. and that of course, that moms need the nap time too! "Serenity Now!"- Mr Costanza, Seinfeld

Lacey said...

Why kids don't want to sleep, I will never know. Keeping the door open for their personal escape, when absolutely needed, is a good idea. I figured there would be nightly visits. Jenna is funny-the mess in the mornings for mamma to clean up-too cute. Our routine works great for him now, I just hope it sticks when we transition him. How young is too young?

The Hubler Fam! said...

Hmmmm. The little Coleman dude is the most rambunctious, adventurous little guy EVER. So I can totally see why you have an idea of "what you're in for". But you are right, if he can climb out of his crib, he is ready for a bed. When I transitioned both Isaac and Leah, it was only after they were both sleeping straight through the night every night, so night appearances were never an issue. Also, I always put black-out curtains in their bedrooms. So it is PITCH BLACK in there, no toys or visuals to beckon them out of bed. I still used the baby monitor, and if I heard them "rustling" like they were getting ready to emerge at a non-convenient hour, I'd be in there in a flash before they could get to the door, and turn them right around with a simple "no, no, back to bed". And they caught on soon enough.
Another helpful hint, is before I took the crib down, I set up the bed and had them start taking only daytime naps in the bed, so they started learning what the bed is for. I did this for about a week before I made the night transition to the bed. GOOD LUCK!

Lacey said...

I like the idea about having them take naps in the bed before transitioning. I love black out blinds. They rock!

Biggs Family said...

It is an adventure any way you look at it. I just transitioned Sharlee about a month ago, and the first two weeks she immediately got out of bed and tries to open the door. After that she realized that it was nap time and bed time, but it takes them a little bit to get the hang of it.

And there are several times where she still gets out of her bed and plays with her toys, I just let her and there was one time that she just fell asleep in the middle of all her My little ponies. :) But it is definitely time for Coleman to get into a big boy bed, he will be excited but it is going to be an adjustment. Good luck girl!

The Texas Links said...

O.K. 4 kids later--I really don't know if there is a right answer to your question. Greyson would say "Mom, I'm sleepy and need to go to bed." No problem there. Caden--constantly coming out of his room, still....and he's 10. When we transitioned Bel, it took her two weeks to realize she could actually get out of bed. She still comes out nightly-unless she's really tired. Maggie, is in bed with Brynna. So, whatever she does, Mag does. Really, Lace, every kid is different. keep the same plan as the crib. I'm sure there will be many nights of turning his cute little hiney around and putting him back in bed. But, no matter what, put him back in. Don't let him get his way or he'll never stay in bed. Hug him first, though. Love you!

Lacey said...

Okay. So I'm feeling better now about putting him in a big boy bed. I guess I can expect all the above, but, he'll get the hang of it, and so will we. Thanks!

Maggie said...

one word.... patience....

it'll take a while to adjust but just remember he will return to normal sleeping patterns eventually! =o)

Jackson's FARM'N family said...

Um Mya is only 2 months so I cant speak from experience but I like what Jeff Foxworthy says on this issue... tie a cow bell to your childs neck and then you have a warning when he is out of bed!!!

Jackson's FARM'N family said...

okay I just had a thought... you could tell him there are monsters under the bed and they will bight him if he gets out. He might still be too yound to understand that monsters are scarry but if you put the fear in them young i hear its better in the long run... Jk

Anonymous said...

Grandma Debbie says that Wahtever you do will be fine. Of course parenting is not a science, it's an experience. My feeling on the subject is,since Coleman loves to jump on beds so much, let him have a few minutes to jump on his bed before his night time story and prayers. This way he won't hate his new bed, he will learn that there is a time to jump and a time not to jump. Also we let our kids sleep with a favorite stuffed animal or toy. We never shut the door either, our kids were more comfortable hearing our voices, usually we would read the Book Of Mormon while they were going to sleep, they loved that and it gave them comfort. Once asleep, we would watch T.V. Love you Lacey and I miss Coleman tons. Mom

The Texas Links said...

Your mom's so smart. It must be that experience thing.

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